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what sources were used for this website?
Many! We list a handful of books, films, and websites that were used during the research for this website on this page.
How do I search the website?
There is a search box at the bottom of every page that you can use to find topics by keyword.
While there are several different citation formats, each with their own versions and update schedules, it seems that the APA format includes most common attributes and would look like something like this (adapt for the specific content you’re referencing):
Mastin, L. (2009, October). Early Modern World. Retrieved [Month, day, year], from
The same date can be used for all the articles on this website.
Do you work with guest writers?
While the main content of the site is not augmented by guest writers, we do have a blog where we will occassionally accept guest posts if they meet our criteria. If you are interested in writing an article or story to share on our website, you must provide at least 3 examples of your writing, and it must be relevant, high-quality, detailed, and unique content. We will not accept content that is topically irrelevant, contains errors, or is written purely for SEO. Articles need to be useful. Your story needs to be at least 1,000 words with no fluff. Your topic must be novel – no topics that have already been written about countless times. It cannot be plagiarized or “spun” iterations of the same article posted elsewhere. Content that you submit will be fully owned by, which means that no re-publishing of the same article is allowed without explicit permission.
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